Frequently Asked Questions


May I place my order over the telephone?

Yes, of course! Our New York City based customer care team is available to answer your questions and accept orders from 9am-4pm EST, Monday-Friday. Ivy Jewelry’s office is closed on weekends and major holidays. Online orders are accepted 24/7. You may reach us at (929) 213-1117, or (347)761-2804.

Does it make any difference whether I place my order on your website or by telephone?

One of the only differences between an online and telephone order is the person-to-person interaction a phone call offers. Additionally, our website offer 24/7 ordering options. Regardless of how you choose to do business with us, by telephone or online, we are here to help! Ways to order:

Call: (929) 213-1117, or (347)761-2804
Visit our website:

Is my personal information secure?

Yes. Our website runs on a platfrom that is certified to the Level 1 PCI DSS Standard. Simply put, our online store is equipped with data encryption tools, protection of payment transfers, prevention of viruses at the servers, risk analyses tools as well as constan security monitoring.

What methods of payment does Ivy Jewelry accept?

There are several ways for you to pay online at our store. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Dicover, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Facebook Pay, Shop Pay, Elo, Diners Club, and JCB.

Additionally, we offer you to use PayPal Express Checkout directly form your checkout.  

Can I change or cancel my order once it has been submitted?

To change or cancel a submitted order, please contact us immediately. Cancelations or changes are not guaranteed, but we will do our best to accommodate you. Please include order number, your full contact information, and reason for cancellation or change in your correspondence. Please contact us by emailing or calling (929) 213-1117. Please note, our New York City office is open 9am-4pm EST, Monday-Friday. We are closed weekends and holidays.

Shipping & Order Status

How do I track my order status?

Your order shipment status can be tracked by using the tracking number provided in your shipping email (we’ll send this once your order has been sent out).

Once your Ivy jewelry has shipped, you will receive an email from with tracking information. Please allow 24-48 hours for tracking information to populate.

Does Ivy Jewelry ship internationally?

Yes, we ship orders internationally via FedEx.

Shipping times vary depending on the country. To calculate approximate shipping costs and timetables:

Please note there may be shipping delays due to the HOLIDAYS and COVID-19.

How does Ivy Jewelry ship merchandise?

We ship via USPS, FedEx, and UPS.

Why does Ivy Jewelry require signature?

Ivy Jewelry requires an adult signature on all deliveries that cannot be waived. There are no exceptions. All packages are shipped fully insured, and both the United States Post Office and the private insurance company which insures our FedEx and UPS shipments require that an adult (at your shipping address) signs for your package upon delivery. If we skip this step, the insurance is voided, leaving you unprotected in the case of damage or theft.

Can I have an order sent to an address other than my billing address?

Yes, we can ship your order to an address different from you billing address. Please meake sure to specifiy your shipping address when placing the order.

What happens if my order is lost or stolen during shipping before I receive it?

Because Ivy Jewelry fully insures all shipments we send, you are in no way responsible for the loss of a package until you or an adult at your shipping address has signed for it.

Ring Sizing

How can I find out my ring size?

You have two options. One, you can visit a local jewelry store and have a sales associate measure and provide your ring size. Make sure to record your size and ask what type of sizer is being used. This is very important information. Secondly, you can print our ring sizer and measure on your own. Please note, measurements made by a jewelry professional are much more accurate.

If you are an international customer, please contact us for assistance.

May I return a ring that has been sized?

Unfortunately, no. The artist has made the jewelry especially for you. Rings that have been sized by are considered altered and will not be accepted for refund, exchange, or store credit. The good news…a ring can be sized up or down. We are happy to assist you achieve the perfect fit. Ivy Jewelry will let you know in advance the cost to resize your ring. Customer is responsible for all shipping charges to and from Ivy Jewelry.

I would like to send the ring I purchased back to Ivy Jewelry for expert sizing, how do I proceed?

Please contact us at or (929)213-1117 to start the process. Include your order number, your full contact information, and that you need assistance with resizing a ring in your correspondence. Our New York City office is open 9am-4pm EST, Monday-Friday. We are closed weekends and holidays. A service representative will contact you within 48 business hours to answer any questions. They will also provide mailing instructions on safely returning your ring to us, and an authorization number for your ring resizing order.