Jewelry Care

We have listed a number of suggestions that could help you keep your jewelry in pristine condition:

  • For routine cleaning and care, it’s best to gently wash your jewelry with a mild soap and a soft toothbrush (excluding pearls). You may also use a gentle over-the-counter jewelry cleaner on white and gold jewelry, diamond jewelry and colored gemstone jewelry. A silver polishing cloth is best for your sterling silver jewelry. Pearls are very delicate and professional cleaning is recommended.
  • Store your jewelry separately from each other. Metal and diamonds can scratch other metals and gemstones. A felt compartmentalized jewelry tray is ideal. Pearls cannot be stored in an airtight environment (such as a safety deposit box), or in plastic.
  • We do not recommend showering, swimming, exercising, performing household chores, or gardening while wearing your Ivy Jewelry pieces. Metals, gemstones, and pearls can be damaged by many chemicals, all acids, and even perspiration.
  • When dressing, jewelry should be the last thing you put on and the first thing you take off. Hair spray, cosmetics, lotion, and perfume can damage your jewelry.